Don't live life for others..

People are interesting creatures.
Very often we try to give a helping hand to someone else, despite the fact that we have a lot of unresolved problems.
Many may say that this is a sign of humanity, but it's not that simple..
Think for a moment why you decided to save this man?

For example, a boy is dumped by a girl or vice versa. You've met this person, and once you know her (her) story, you take on the role of savior.

I will not give any advice at this time. Just read what I want to tell you..

There is a rule. It's immutable - healthy relationships only happen to healthy people!!!

And everyone has to cure himself or herself.

You can help, but just a little

A man goes through his lessons, so it's up to him to figure it out.

A normal adequate person knows his own strengths and weaknesses. He always acts in proportion to his needs. This kind of person is not shy to talk about feelings and openly expresses emotions. He knows how to love and realizes that he is solely responsible for the relationship. You see the difference here?

No one owes anyone anything.

Normal people just choose their partner based on their level of awareness. They do not teach anyone and do not remake anyone.�. Know that it's not much help and that time is precious.

When a person is engaged in self-development, especially the development of sexuality, he reaches a certain stage and realizes that he has grown. There aren't the problems that we had before. For example, to fall in love with anyone is not very difficult. But, you realize that you've become different. You don't need it..

From now on you feel responsible for everything you do and every word you say. And of course you won't play on other people's feelings, there's just no such desire.

Everyone would like to have a soul mate. Who understands you, with whom it is interesting and easy to go through life, but..

It's usually a little different.

Imagine that you are conscious enough and free enough. Then you are whole. Having someone else around won't make you any happier. And on the contrary, the absence of a partner will not be tragic for you.

It's only because a conscious person is self-sufficient. He's got it all. And a loved one or loved one next to you is an added happiness to the happiness you already have of your own.

Now imagine if your soul mate had the same level of awareness.

Then you just can not have problems.

You meet with pleasure, maybe even get together and live together, it is easy for you, t. �. you understand each other. And even if you ever suddenly decide that your relationship has exhausted itself and it needs to end - you will do it without too much effort and tragedy. You are a conscious person and understand that it is normal.

And imagine what will happen if the other person is not quite mature and self-sufficient. Then how a relationship will begin to develop..

At first, he'll just love you.

He will love your view of the world, the ease with which you go through different situations, your reactions to the people around you..

All this creates a partner strong attachment to you.

But, to hear all this "I can't without you" over time you get tired. It's kind of hard to always be the center of the universe, don't you think??

You usually want to run away, or at least distance yourself for a while. And you understand all the pain you'll cause the person by your decision.

Such relationships begin to weigh on a free and mature person. You can certainly try to raise your partner, but..

I know from my own experience that while you are growing someone else, you can forget about your own development.

You're just gonna keep stomping around. You need it?

But two people of the same level of development can perfectly motivate each other to reach new heights. And such an alliance promises to be not only long-lasting, but also fruitful.

If both partners aren't very mature, that's half the trouble. We've all been through this phase of worries and resentments, breakups and comebacks, scandals and tumultuous reconciliations..

But, if you've already been there, be more considerate of other people..

Don't take responsibility for their happiness. Don't become a pillow or a crutch in their hand. Give them a chance to go their own way.

This applies not only to your love relationship, but also to your relatives.

You can't live your life for them. It's just that one day, your compassion and desire to help no matter what, may become too much for you.

Always with you, Konstantin Dovlatov
liveinternet.You're a free man, but you're not a free man

People are interesting creatures.
Very often we try to give a helping hand to someone else, despite the fact that we have a lot of unresolved problems.
Many may say that this is a sign of humanity, but it's not that simple..
Think for a moment why you decided to save this man?

For example, a boy is dumped by a girl or vice versa. You've met this person, and once you know her (her) story, you take on the role of savior.

I will not give any advice at this time. Just read what I want to tell you..

There is a rule. It's immutable - healthy relationships only happen to healthy people!!!

And everyone has to cure himself or herself.

You can help, but just a little

A man goes through his lessons, so it's up to him to figure it out.

A normal adequate person knows his own strengths and weaknesses. He always acts in proportion to his needs. This kind of person is not shy to talk about feelings and openly expresses emotions. He knows how to love and realizes that he is solely responsible for the relationship. You see the difference here?

No one owes anyone anything.

Normal people just choose their partner based on their level of awareness. They do not teach anyone and do not remake anyone.�. Know that it's not much help and that time is precious.

When a person is engaged in self-development, especially the development of sexuality, he reaches a certain stage and realizes that he has grown. There aren't the problems that we had before. For example, to fall in love with anyone is not very difficult. But, you realize that you've become different. You don't need it..

From now on you feel responsible for everything you do and every word you say. And of course you won't play on other people's feelings, there's just no such desire.

Everyone would like to have a soul mate. Who understands you, with whom it is interesting and easy to go through life, but..

It's usually a little different.

Imagine that you are conscious enough and free enough. Then you are whole. Having someone else around won't make you any happier. And on the contrary, the absence of a partner will not be tragic for you.

It's only because a conscious person is self-sufficient. He's got it all. And a loved one or loved one next to you is an added happiness to the happiness you already have of your own.

Now imagine if your soul mate had the same level of awareness.

Then you just can not have problems.

You meet with pleasure, maybe even get together and live together, it is easy for you, t. �. you understand each other. And even if you ever suddenly decide that your relationship has exhausted itself and it needs to end - you will do it without too much effort and tragedy. You are a conscious person and understand that it is normal.

And imagine what will happen if the other person is not quite mature and self-sufficient. Then how a relationship will begin to develop..

At first, he'll just love you.

He will love your view of the world, the ease with which you go through different situations, your reactions to the people around you..

All this creates a partner strong attachment to you.

But, to hear all this "I can't without you" over time you get tired. It's kind of hard to always be the center of the universe, don't you think??

You usually want to run away, or at least distance yourself for a while. And you understand all the pain you'll cause the person by your decision.

Such relationships begin to weigh on a free and mature person. You can certainly try to raise your partner, but..

I know from my own experience that while you are growing someone else, you can forget about your own development.

You're just gonna keep stomping around. You need it?

But two people of the same level of development can perfectly motivate each other to reach new heights. And such an alliance promises to be not only long-lasting, but also fruitful.

If both partners aren't very mature, that's half the trouble. We've all been through this phase of worries and resentments, breakups and comebacks, scandals and tumultuous reconciliations..

But, if you've already been there, be more considerate of other people..

Don't take responsibility for their happiness. Don't become a pillow or a crutch in their hand. Give them a chance to go their own way.

This applies not only to your love relationship, but also to your relatives.

You can't live your life for them. It's just that one day, your compassion and desire to help no matter what, may become too much for you.

Always with you, Konstantin Dovlatov
liveinternet.You're a free man, but you're not a free man

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